Friday, 27 September 2013
Our God is an Awesome God
Our God is an awesome God!!! These last few days since the weekend have been taken up with preaching in one rural location after another. In every place we have seen a very positive and open response to the word of God and so many testimonies of how it has impacted their lives and how they see this as a life changing moment. Surely God is with us and is moving on hearts. My prayer was that a fire would be lit in these locations that would spread beyond these churches to the region. We have seen that start and pray earnestly that the fire would spread.......We have seen conversions and many healings and I just want to share some of the ones that stood out. In the Village of Tulumba a man answered the altar call at the end requesting prayer. He was blind in one eye to the extent where he could not even see my hand in front of his face. You could tell there was something seriously wrong with his eye just by looking at it. After a short prayer Jesus healed him and restored his sight. {I was very happy. It was the first time I have ever witnessed that kind of miracle} The man's wife also testified and was overjoyed, dancing in the church. This was one of a number of significant miracles in the church.......We saw people come to Christ including one man in our very last service in Kitale who was walking past while the service was going on. He walked in and sat down during the preaching and at the end when we asked for testimonies he came forward to declare that he was a backslider of some years who had just recommitted his life to the Lord after God began to convict him deeply. There was no altar call or appeal for salvation. God was speaking to the man through the sermon about God's true purpose for his life.......We have received numerous testimonies from the crusade that shows it was far from in vain. I have heard from several people how they saw through the shallow self centred ministry that went on during Sunday and how they appreciated the word which God gave me. Nothing has been in vain. God has been faithful and he has given me the words to say every step of the way. Looking back this has been clearly a move of God and my main prayer now is that all those touched by God would continue with what He has done in their lives........It is impossible to give perfectly accurate figures for what has transpired but I have counted 24 confessions/commitments to faith from adults and an estimate of a further 230 from children {two hundred and thirty}. We have heard of and seen 27 miracles/confessions of healing and am sure that their are others beside these.....2013 has been a long year with many difficulties and challenges both before and during the mission but as I have had to trust God more deeply I have seen what He can do. Yet again I can only look back and say this is the Lord's doing and it is wonderful in my sight. God is awesome. Lives have been permanently changed. Sinners have repented and believed. The sick have been healed. A blind eye opened. The kingdom is going forward and our God is worthy of all the glory......Pray that every person who has made a confession of faith would hold true to it and see it through to the end and that every believer touched by the word would hold to it and spread His gospel far and wide. May the glory of the Lord be seen by more and more in Nairobi, Juba and western Kenya and may God bless every one of you for praying and standing in the gap for this mission.......Steve
Sunday, 22 September 2013
People will let you down but God is faithful.
I am still processing what has happened over the last two days. Things have gone very differently to what I thought would happen. Our procession yesterday did not involve any actual evangelism and todays meeting left me very frustrated. The ministry I am working with here set up these meetings with other ministries and the main one has altered things and I have been left with a strong feeling that this is about promoting a man and his ministry rather than Jesus and his gospel.After hours of this I was invited forward for 10 minutes at the end without warning to give a greeting for no more than 10 minutes. I asked the minister who was running this to clarify what was going on {in front of several hundred people} I was outwardly polite but inwardly very angry and frustrated. As it was I preached the message God gave me for around 25 minutes and focused only on what God had given me to preach. I didn't want all the other things to distract me even though I felt very disapointed afterwards. What was very encouraging afterwards was the response of several people who spoke to me including a number of leaders. It seems it is not just me but a number of people noticed how this service was inappropriately run and how the main ministry today was wrongly focused. I didn't realise until afterwards when a number of people thanked me for pointing things back to Jesus......I really don't like the pulpit being used to correct specific people or target people and it was only as I look back that I realised that a lot of what I preached {in line with the notes I had} spoke very specifically into today's situation. I am glad that God's word does not return void and the collected groups of people from several congregations received a very clear word about how we should become more like Jesus and how this is always to God's glory and not our own. I trust that despite the setbacks the word of God has gone forth and even clarified to people {who to my mind were being stirred up by hype, power and personality} what the true purpose and motivation of the church really is. Whatever happens, I know that God is good and His purposes will prevail and I am encouraged by how God gave me the right words to say at the right time......I am also glad that the minister I am working with clarified some things about how he had organised things with this ministry only to have a number of things changed at the last minute without his knowledge. He felt it wiser not to say anything during the service but to deal with things when the various leaders next meet together.Welcome to the real world of ministry. This is the stuff we have to deal with.......On another note I want to ask you to pray for a place called Kitale where we will meet on Tuesday. There will be about 200 people present including leaders from 7 churches and the host minister is adamant that the great need of the Kenyan churches is that the word of God is preached and Jesus is the focus. This could well be the the highlight of the mission. I'm praying that a fire for Jesus and his gospel will be lit that is carried to the whole area. Mungu akubariki sana {God bless you}
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Bungoma Crusade. Let the fire fall.
We now have come to the climax of the mission to East Africa. Yesterday evening we began our big crusade in the town of Bungoma. This has been planned and advertised for some time. They have brought numerous churches together and there have been repeated times of prayer and fasting. We are believing God for a fire to come to set to churches ablaze for Jesus and to spread through this area.....Yesterday evening we experienced very heavy thunderstorms yet many people still came out and within seconds of the praise and worship starting up I could feel God's presence. The praise and worship team are serious about getting into God's presence and seeing God do something and so are the ministers. I shared the message I have about "7 Things everybody needs to know about Jesus" This was a prophetic message God gave me when I was in Israel last year and powerfully cemented my convictions about the preaching of the full gospel. Everywhere in the mission that I have preached this message we have seen God touch people deeply. There is always a heavy conviction and commitment to the gospel and a great stirring to share it with others. Last night was no exception. Today we are going to have what is called 'A triumphant procession' from the church to the town centre for an evangelistic outreach then go back to the church where I am going to share one of those 7 things entitled "We are his witnesses". People need to know what specifically Jesus has done for us. It's great to say he forgave my sins but we need to tell people what else we have personally experienced him do. How has he changed us? What miraculous humanly impossible thing has Jesus done in your life? It was giving personal testimony that so touched that boy in the Roman Catholic school. We will continue this crusade until the end of tomorrow. We are praying for the fire of the Holy Spirit to come to equip and empower us the spread the gospel. I want to believe God for many people to be touched and saved and healed and delivered today and tomorrow.......It is going to be a good weekend, amen!.........................{7 Things everyone needs to know about Jesus - Taken from Acts chapter 10 verses 36 to 48....1/Jesus was anointed by God to overturn to works of the devil, healing, doing good and breaking bondages...2/ Jesus was crucified for our sins....3/Jesus rose from the dead and is alive today...4/ We are chosen witnesses of the resurrected Christ, those of us in fellowship with him bear personal testimony of his power...5/ Jesus is ordained by God to be judge of all men, living and dead....6/ The prophets bear witness of him....7/ Through his name whoever believes in him shall have his sins forgiven...............Before Peter even finished preaching, The Holy Spirit fell upon Cornelius and his household. It's God's word. It's God's gospel. God anoints that which belongs to him and when we preach HIS gospel then we can expect HIS anointing to establish and advance HIS kingdom as described in Isaiah 61 verses 1-2 and Luke 4. The great need of the church is not another denomination. It's not another programme. It's not a new style or doctrine. The great need of the church in the anointing and empowering of the Holy Spirit to complete the great commission we have been called to and it will happen as we are faithful to preach the same unchanging message that was handed down by God himself, started in Galilee, preached throughout Israel and preached to the gentile Cornelius by Peter. That's the vision I received in Israel and that's what I preach and everywhere I go I see God moving, people being saved, the church being convicted and stirred to action and the kingdom advancing. It must be God's power and not our own. It must be God's message, not our own and then we will see the great commission coming closer to it's completion - This gospel of the kingdom must be preached to the uttermost parts of the earth and then the end will come...amen and amen}
The word of our testimony transforms lives
I want to share this special testimony because it shows what God can do. On Friday we had an addition to our plans when we visited a Roman Catholic school. They have 1,000 children and only 14 teachers and so far 9 of the staff have become born again. I had the chance to address and full room of around 200 children and most of the staff. One man appeared rather uncomfortable with it all and was walking in and out. I decided to share part of mt testimony and weave the gospel into it so people could see the way of salvation in a real life context. I told them how I got involved in crime and gangs and had many enemies and my life was dominated by hate and how after a sudden conversion Jesus miraculously changed many things. There was one older boy sitting at the front whom I noticed because he had a large injury to the front of his head which had been smeared with a coloured antiseptic cream......I shared the account of how several months after I was saved an old friend saw me. He was well known for stealing motorbikes and he rode up to me and stopped and said hello. We talked for a while and he told me that everyone was saying that I had become a religious nut and joined a church but that he stood up for me and said Steve would never do that. {I used to ridicule religious people.} I had to tell him I had got saved and was going to church and it took him a while to realise I wasn't pulling his leg. He went quiet for a while then said "In your case perhaps it is a good thing because everybody was saying if Steve carried on the way he is going he will either be dead or in prison for the rest of his life" Those words stayed with me because I saw just what a fate God had saved me from. I also spoke of the many people I hated and how I drew up a revenge list but it was nothing to hand it to God once I was saved. After all Jesus did to save me it put every wrong done to me in perspective........Now I have never met that bot sitting at the front nor did I know anything about him but the next day I was told that he was a terror to the school. They didn't know what to do with him. He was violent and always starting fights with people. throwing stones at people and filled with hate and anger {just like I was}. The previous day he had thrown stones at one of the teachers. This guy was uncontrollable and then he went and stole a motorbike before crashing it and injuring himself {Thus the mark on his head}. He ran away and even his guardians didn't know where he was. Then for some inexplicable reason he just walks into the school just as the children were gathering for our meeting. The thing that struck me was the accuracy of the testimony. Here is this boy hearing about a guy on a stolen bike the day after he stole a bike. He is listening to a testimony of bring freed from rage and vengeance which fitted his life perfectly.....What then transpired was remarkable. After hearing how Jesus had so radically transformed my life and forgives in a moment he went from that meeting and approached every boy he had fought with and apologised and asked their forgiveness. He then went to the teachers also including the one he had stoned and did the same. The teachers were shocked and amazed. They had tried everything with this boy and failed. He just seemed to get worse and worse yet one divinely placed and inspired testimony touched right where he was and he was changed. I have so many testimonies of over the years asking God to give me the right part of my testimony to share and it hitting the mark in an uncanny way time and again. I want to encourage everyone reading this to pray and ask God to inspire them to share what Jesus has done for you and ask him to give you the right thing to say to the right person. The word of your testimony is powerful. Revelation 12/11 says they overcame him {the devil} by the word of their testimony. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. Our God is an awesome God...Amen!
The Kingdom Advances
This is the first of three posts today as there is much to share from the last 5 days. We have seen many setbacks in terms of things going wrong with the vehicle everyday and one day storms which hindered our progress but the kingdom is advancing regardless. Although some of our meetings did not go ahead we did enough to leave the people in each place with something from the word of God and each time people were touched deeply.........We visited a rural gathering in Kimakuni where there was an open air gathering of people representing a number of denominations. Despite the religious traditionalism that is popular here the people were more attentive than usual and were very keen to understand what I was saying and the message I shared was universally and enthusiastically received......We have been conducting meetings and an open air crusade in a village called Kimantuni. The response was overwhelming. Testimony after testimony was heard of how the word of God has challenged and caused people to see differently and many people have a fresh vision for the proclamation of the full gospel. People really feel this is a pivotal point in their lives. Before I came to Africa I sensed that these rural meetings would be where God would light a fire than would be carried through the whole region to set people on fire for Christ and his gospel. There is a fresh boldness and great desire to preach Christ to their neighbours. The congregation and gathering of leaders are in serious earnest about this message and the need to bring it to others........We held an open air crusade at the road junction leading to Kimantuni at a place called Chiluba. I shared the message on '7 things that everybody needs to know about Jesus' We prayed for the sick and there was one young lady with breathing problems and chest pain who had suffered for a long time. She testified of all pin going and complete healing of her long term problems. Numerous adults answered to call to repent and believe the gospel. We also had a large gathering of children at the front of the crowd watching so I felt it was important to address them. I explained the gospel simply to them trying not to miss anything out and emphasised what I was going to ask them to do so they understood this was a lifetime commitment. It didn't put them off in the least and there was an atmosphere and attitute of seriousness and around 30 of them asked Jesus for forgiveness, committed to turn from their sin and commit their lives to him. I'm guessing at 30 because it was impossible to count the many hands that went up to confirm that they had prayed this prayer out of a sincere heart.........One of the pastors with me said he was touched by this because many ministers ignore the children because they are seen as unimportant but I took them seriously. It is so good to hear an affirmation like that. My only concern is how can a church effectively follow up on such a large number of children so I prayed for them again that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit and that God would keep them and guide them. What is also good about seeing children come into the kingdom is that any of them will bring their parents to the church and they will be exposed to the gospel too. I believe God for the fire that has been lit at this junction to spread and increase...hallelujah!..........Friday saw us visit Luyekhe and at a small gathering of believers including leaders I preached again and the response was similar to Kimantuni. The rural campaign has gone well and the setbacks and limits have not stopped the kingdom advance. I look forward to hearing what happens in these areas in the near future. Please pray that what has been started here would not be contained or lost but would spread and touch the entire region........Mungu akubariki sana {God bless you richly}
Monday, 16 September 2013
Preach the word!
Hallelujah! Much is happening in the 6 days since my last entry. My last entry was after the emphatic response at the school to the gospel. We have had open air crusades during the rest of the evenings in Juba and I have enjoyed preaching the word in a direct and emphatic style and the response of the people is wholeheartedly enthusiastic. We see miracles of healing every night and on the final night we gave people the chance to give testimony to God's healing power. {I filmed some of these testimonies} On the final night we prated for the power of the Holy Spirit to come down and empower us for the work ahead as people are filled with a fresh enthusiasm for preaching and spreading the gospel. They sang and celebrated long after dark on the final night and nobody wanted to go home. It was an awesome and joyful atmosphere............On Saturday I started in Bungoma, Western Kenya where I had the chance to share a message in the church I am working with. The two services on Sunday were absolutely brilliant. Such a response to the word of God from congregants and pastors. There is a genuine sense of people being changed. Numerous people testified of being able to forgive after being bound for a long time. A number of pastors and leaders attended the seminars this last weekend and they have been taken up with a fresh zeal and vision for the whole gospel message and to take it to everyone who will listen. There is a strong sense that something has changed in peoples lives and that they have encountered God......The vision I had before I came to Western Kenya was that fires of the Holy Spirit would be lit in peoples lives that would spread like a wildfire as these men went back to their rural churches. We've heard testimony after testimony on Sunday of people who have been given fresh revelation, fresh conviction of the gospel, new clarity of purpose and the full gospel message and the fire has been lit..........Today I started a three day visit to Kimantuni where we had back to back services which were received in like fashion. The church is hungry and there were numerous testimonies as well as 3 miraculous healings. One woman had suffered from lower limb pain for 4 months which made it difficult to walk sometimes. As we prayed in the name of Jesus that pain began to go. A local man who runs a motorbike taxi service was involved in an accident just yesterday and came to church with pain across his shoulders and a scar across his face.{He was knocked unconcious by the accident} He experienced God's healing touch. People put simple faith in God's power to heal and set people free here. We prayed for a couple that were victims of a demonic attack. Someone used witchcraft to assault a woman and her arm was left paralysed. She and her husband prayed last night and she was healed and we prayed for them both today to break the work of the enemy........There is a wonderful atmosphere of celebration and the sense that God has caused a significant shift in the church in just one day. The faith of people is sky high and for the next two days we will have a service then an open air crusade........God is truly awesome. In this generation of churches that look for the best communication tecniques and programmes to get results it is the straight anointed preaching of the whole gospel to believing hearts that sees results. It worked 2000 years ago and it still works today. We aim to start something here that will spread like wildfire through this region. Pray that a Holy Spirit revival would sweep this area. The fire has already been kindled. Amen!
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Open air crusades in Juba and emphatic response in school.
Greetings From Juba, South Sudan.......Sunday was a good day at Gospel Harvest church as there was a very good response to the word of God. People received the word gladly and 3 people came forward and testified of healing at the end of the service after prayer for healing. We are also seeing people coming to the Lord in repentance and faith.......This is an unusual situation and the trials in Nairobi are making more sense as I see them as a preparation for what is happening here. I am learning to be more patient. It is more difficult here than in Kenya but it is worthwhile as we see God touching lives. People are very open to the word of God.......Monday was a big day as we visited a local school. The building was packed with over 200 students and I brought a word that I had prayed about some months ago. It is hard to tell how many responses are genuine conversions, only God knows that, but I shared the gospel as best I could and there was a sea of hands that went up and I had the chance to lead them in a group prayer. I also had the chance to share a prophecy I received some time ago that was for them.........That evening we began our series of open air meetings which are following the pattern of this mission so far of preaching Christ centred messages with an evangelistic emphasis.In two days now we have seen 8 people testify of immediate healing and 6 others answer the call of repentance and faith unto salvation. This church is growing rapidly and it committed to evangelism, discipleship and church planting. The building is already too small and people stand outside looking in through the windows and doors......There are a number of prayer needs. Two women came for prayer after hearing of how Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood. They both said they had problems and pain during their period and requested prayer for healing. An elderly blind woman asked for prayer for sight and there are many, many other needs.......People here are very grateful to hear the preaching of the gospel of Jesus. They are very appreciative........We have visited a few people at their place of work and home but it is hotter than Mombasa here. By midday you have to stay out of the sun. You can lay down on your bed in the afternoon doing nothing and still end up soaking wet in perspiration so I have to limit what I can do.....I really think though that we need a breakthrough in the last two days of the open air meetings. I think many more can be saved and healed. I am looking forward to seeing what God will do......shalom...steve
Saturday, 7 September 2013
First Night In Juba
It is now night time in the city of Juba, South Sudan and the sweltering temperature has dropped to a pleasant warm with a slight breeze. Juba at night is a unique experience.We are sitting outside a mud hut which is the pastors home and I am being well taken care of and well fed.......We are not far from a communications tower so I can use a laptop. Juba is almost pitch black at night with little electricity supply which means I can look up and see many many stars. I watched the last part of the sunset and then the moon as the now set sun made is presence felt along the edge of it creating a shape similar to the crescent seen on top of local Mosques. What I found particularly intriguing was how I could actually see the outline shrink more and more as the sun set further until the moon completely dissapeared in the space of around 90 seconds but 10 minutes later the crescent had returned.....On the outskirts of the city I can see a long line of lights where the United Nations camp is and dotted around the city are several hills, over one of which a storm is hovering. There is the occassional streak of lightning in the distance.....The people are very friendly and quite open and are happy enough to have their pictures taken. Nearby there is a neighbour who has their t.v outside on a table and around 12 children sat watching. {Some of the people are using generators for electricity supply}.......I am also getting used to the local washroom facilities which comprise a wooden and corrugated shed with a concrete floor where their is a small hole in the middle where you 'do your business'. The bathroom consists of a patchwork wooden screen with no roof so I washed under the stars.......I have a sense of sitting on this vast rock called earth and yet it feels very small when I look at the constellations many light years away.....A few stray dogs pass by as I sit here feeling pretty chilled out and looking forward to starting work tomorrow at a local church....I am also looking forward to visiting the local school they have invited me to on Monday morning. I have the chance to talk to around 500 children including many orphans....It should be a good week....Shalom...steve
3 days of heaven, 3 nights of hell & morning in Juba.
Greetings from the wonderfully chaotic and humid city of Juba! I arrived this morning and am looking forward to God doing great things.....It has been a very contrasting mission so far. 3 days of mission work followed by 3 days of waiting. 3 days of God moving and 3 days of everything going wrong but praise God, even amid the growing frustration God was teaching me to trust him. We have spent the last three days running around and getting nowhere. The level to which people can waste my time and fail to get even basic things done has amazed and frustrated me but I am learning to truth God even in this....On friday we went to the South Sudanese embassy to see if my incomplete application was accepted and miraculously it was without question. Hallelujah!....Now I am sitting in a mud hut with a laptop {surreal}. I am here until next friday. We will be preaching in churches and doing daily street crusades as well as visiting an orphanage where I will be giving out sweets donated by a friend of mine. I have other things I have brought as well........I am especially looking forward to visiting the orphanage because I felt very stirred to pray for this some months ago and have something on my heart I want to share with them......There are somethings to pray for here.......There is a lot of animism practiced in South Sudan so pray that these spirits would be defeated in Jesus name and they would be rendered useless.....There is much nominal Christianity here as well. Pray that they will know the true gospel which sets people free and brings them into a living relationship with Jesus....After 20 years of conflict with the North, many people wonder why God allowed the disasters and genocide of this generation to happen. Pray that the healing touch of God would be experienced in this damaged community......Pray also for the orphans that they would come to know God as a loving and ever present Father and pray for my meeting with them. I believe it is a divinely timed meeting.....Pray also for my safety in this area. South Sudan is a crazy place which has been likened to the wild west. {Even the president wears a cowboy hat! hehe.}....Also pray for good communication, there are a number of languages here. The main one is Arabic.{I will, of course, have a translator when I preach}.....Pray for door to door ministry. I felt such a favour of God in Nairobi when praying with people. It is a blessed ministry and people so appreciate a visitor coming into their homes.....Pray also for the street crusades. Believe God for many conversions and healings and maybe even deliverance from demon possession. Also pray that I may operate in spiritual gifts and particularly discernment......May God bless you as you pray....Steve
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Bwana Asifiwe! {praise the Lord!}........Firstly thankyou to Jason and Adrian for leaving messages. It is very encouraging to know that people are following events and praying. WE have had a very good start but are trying to sort out visa problems for South Sudan which means a delay for up to a few days. Nevertheless I intend to be in Juba on Friday or Saturday where we will have an initial service with the church before a day to day open air series of evangelistic meetings from the 9th to the 13th.....There seems to be an ever increasing list of problems to deal with but also an ever increasing sense of God's blessing and favour. WE had a very good meeting last night despite the power failures and many answered the call for prayer and were encouraged to stand for God knowing that he has shed his blood for them. {Adrian and Melissa will recall the sermon on 'the blood'}.....The plan for Bungoma has been altered as well. Pretty much the same things but another way around. I will give details of that later on......Pray that all things will work out and that God would continue to move in saving and healing power.
....Mungu akubariki sana {God bless you}
Monday, 2 September 2013
Crusade in Kariobangi, Nairobi
Bwana Asifiwe! {Praise the Lord}.......The first day of the mission in Nairobi went well. The morning church service started with a bible study and then the main service, both of which went very well. People were very much encouraged and received fresh vision and encouragement from the two sessions.....God's word made such a big impact on people....In the evening we went to some open ground in Kariobangi for an open air mission.....The praise and worship was excellent and the presence of God was there to minister.....I had the chance to preach to the many people who were sitting or standing nearby and at least 3 people gave their lives to Jesus and one person testified of total healing from numerous physical ailments.....We prayed for a number of others who did not have immediate symptoms but are believing God for their total healing.....
Today we have been going door to door praying for people....God is good and is giving the right words to say in the right places....We believe God that these prayers will see changed lives and people set free in Jesus name....Tonight we have another revival service in the main church and tomorrow I will be trying to get my visa for South Sudan....There is a big problem with conflicting information.....I need to be in Juba on Wednesday but the application may take two days and the visa charge has gone up....Pray that all this can be worked out quickly so I can be in Juba for Wednesday.....Also on Tuesday I will be ministering in the evening in the 'Obama' district of Nairobi....A group of the pastors are starting to work together here and this is an exciting development....Pray that this unity may develop....This may be a platform for me to minister on in the future....My prayer was that contacts I had world start working with others....This is developing in Nairobi with yesterday's crusade and looks like bearing good fruit.......God bless you
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