Bungoma will be the third and final place I will be visiting. Here are a few details on the church I will be ministering at which have been forwarded to me by brother Moses Nyongesa.
Church History.
As I quote the precious prayer of brother Rudy Lack when he said "any significant move of God must be birthed in prayer." We must travail for us to prevail. This ministry began in the year 2002, before that God had spoken to me several years ago and which was confirmed by seasoned and anointed men and women of God concerning God's burden and call upon my life. At that time I was in MEIF ministries and I thought I was making an impact for God, but strangely God laid a heavy conviction in my heart to be seperate, stand out, to deliver His people and usher them into His prepared place for them to posses their possession. His still small voice always urged me to move forward and never settle for anything less than His divine agenda and assignment. God wanted me to trail blaze, to track down un-trodden territory for Christ.
I lionked with the various men of God from different ministries to pray as a team and seek God in detail concerning His purpose. Our prayer meeting was punctuated with mighty visitations of God's power which were evidenced in signs, wonders and tangible manifestations of His power. We sought to hear God in detail. We forsook the older traps of prioritising activity over prayer and we had round the clock prayer meetings. God started to speak to my brethrn emphasising the urgency of fulfilling His assignment. Our unconnected revelations dovetailed together and these jigsaw pieces fell into place to create a clear picture of God's agenda for us in intercession and final confirmation of God's leading.
We finaly began the ministry as a house fellowship, which was vibrant and effective. God started connecting us to other brethren in the rural regions to whom I gave my pattern for church growth through house fellowships which by now have translated into dynamic churches in all our regions. The pattern of church planting we deployed first of all is....
1/ Effective prayer.
2/ Evangelism
3/ Church planting {via house fellowship}
4/ Nurturing and discipleship
his has proved to be an effective and practical pattern for church planting, church growth and raising other churches. God brought my way men and women oozing withpotential to advance this vision. God's stamp was so clearly on this venture that despite the overwhelming odds I felt quietly assured. I have seen His dismantle seemingly insurmountable barriers and give us victory in every task.
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This is a continuation of the inspiring and powerful report sent to me by brother Moses.
"My marriage to Violet Rose Nyongesa was a tremendous blessing to my ministry. I have witnessed God's supernatural intervention and miracles since we conbined efforts and formed an invincible, formidable team. We are blessed with a daughter called 'Carol Blessing'. We also live with 5 orphans in our house.
Second Timothy ch2 v1-2 is our basis for raising up new churches via the house fellowship and it has worked for us tremendously as now we have 40 churches with 40 pastors. Also we have typically 80 to 120 committed members in every church. These churches are geographically and strategically positioned in nine regions headed by overseers who submit to the bishop and pastors who submit to the overseers of their respective regions. We hold our meetings on a monthly basis to get pdates from the regions and examine their growth. The bishop makes follow up visits to churches on a regular basis to strengthen, give direction, applaud and augment the tireless efforts made by our pastors and overseers."
Soon I hope to share with you something of the vision and mission of brother Moses church and ministry
Part three of brother Moses report.
1 - Vision : I believe this is concerned with our vision based on Luke ch 4 v 18-19, ch10 v19 to advance God's kingdom on the face of the earth through His church {Matthew 6:33, 11:11-13}. God's kingdom must invade lives, families, communities and nations through the five fold dominion mandate in Genesis 1:28 which corresponds with Ephesians 4:7-16.
2 - Mission : Our mission is to preach the gospel, heal the sick, afflicted and cast out demons. It is focused on transforming lives, uplifting the living standards of God's people, helping them access relief, rest, satisfaction and peace as they press on in God's kingdom. {Luke 13:32, Matthew 11:28-30}
Saving and reclaiming lives from the dredges of societies use, abuse and misuse to launching them into resourceful, profitable and dynamic kingdom living. Taking care of the needy, destitutes, orphans, widows {currently we have 500 orphans and 350 widows who are shared in the willing saints homes} and reaching the virgin souls, the unreached, unloved, the socially rejected with Christ's unconditional love. {Luke 4:43, 7:22} Reaching the psychologically , emotionally, physically. mentally and spiritually wounded souls with Christ's healing balm. We also purpose to establish spiritually, economically and vibrant self independant, autonomous churches with effective internal organs so as to uphold and progress our vision and mission in all our regions of influence {John 10:10}. The widows and orphans have no home but we implement home based care in the homes of willing and dedicated saints. We are trusting God to establish a permanent home where their welfare will be dealt with effectively.
Currently we are working on prison's ministry to reclaim lives that the world terms as 'social misfits' into God's kingdom as a proof that there is life changing and transforming power in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will overcome since the church of Jesus Christ must prevail against the gates and the powers of hell AMEN!
In Jesus love...brother Moses.
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