Wednesday, 4 May 2011


The internet has been down for a few days here in Mombasa thus the lack of reports for a few days.

We've completed our time in Jomvu with a couple of evenings of open air meetings. Although people are reticent about coming forward they are hanging around to listen to the preaching. The area we were preaching in has very good views of the valleys on 2 sides {if you ignore the electricity pylons running right through the middle of the area}. The area we are in is among the poorest of the poor, mainly mud huts, animals wandering everywhere. I though to myself, this is reaaly grass roots stuff only to look down at a dusty floor and not a blade of grass in sight! This area is good for outreach for one good reason. I'm told it is the only place in Jomvu you can do an open air meeting and not have a gang of muslims coming to stop the meeting.

The meetings themselves started with some of the most awful music you ever heard. It was like discovering a really old cassette tape that barely works of a live practice demo recorded on really poor equipment. Amazingly people still stood there listening. Then the power went out and the singers were left with just their voices and it was beautiful. Right near the end of the preaching the rains came but people just found somewhere close to shelter and carried on listening. Although their were no clear conversions many will have had the chance to hear a clear gospel presentation for the first time.

Sunday morning I had the chance to revisit the Maweni church for their Sunday morning service. They are trying to purchase land so they can build their own church but it is very complicated. Pray that God would clear a way for this to come to pass.

I have now moved into a bed and breakfast in Mombasa. I will miss Mariakani. Perhaps not the three mile traffic jams of lorries waiting to get onto the weighbridge that leads to Nairobi but definitely the creative ways the taxi drivers would get me back to the hotel. Lets just say normal rules of the highway go out the window.

God bless you...steve

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