Saturday, 28 June 2008

Church of the Lord.

Our mission will start at the 'Church of the Lord' in the city of Nairobi with Bishop Abednego Maundu Nthiwa. The mission will continue there until the 14th July. {Although I will be moving on to minister in other places on the 7th}. Bishop Abednego has planted out a number of churches in the region and we may have the opportunity to visit some of them and minister there.

On the 6th of July there is a special celebration for the church. The church celebrates it's 21st anniversary. Today around 1,000 people attend 'Church of the Lord' with people being trained to pastor and going as far afield as Mombasa on the coast to start a new work.

Our theme for the mission will be 'defeating the giants' and is something I felt God speak to me about and was confirmed by another in a prayer meeting. We will be looking at Daniel chapter 7 as well as how David defeated Goliath. {Not just a children's story! There is a wealth of spiritual truth buried in that passage}. I will also be looking at the 7 tribes of Canaan which the children of Israel has to defeat to enter the promised land. Each of those 7 tribes represent a stronghold in peoples lives which by the power of God and His word we can overcome.

One of those tribes are called 'Perizzites'. They lived in unwalled cities and were known for their violent attacks on the weak and vulnerable. Another tribe are the Jebusites who were the inhabitants of what is now called Jerusalem. They are associated with condemnation and discouragement.

No doubt I will share more when we are over there. I am looking forward to seeing all that the Lord will do.

God bless you...Steve

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