Wednesday, 2 July 2008

First services in Nairobi.

We've started our mission in Nairobi at 'The church of the Lord - Faith healing ministries' hosted by Bishop Abednego. Our first service was monday night. Tonight will be the first night of the churches schedued revival services. So far we have held seminars and we have taken turns in preaching.

What has been a real encouragement is when we have seen that one persons message is directly related to the others on the same night. I sat there on monday night and listened as Erwin was summing up and found that the start of my message followed on and relate to what he finished on. Last night I got to hear Timothy preach and he spoke on 'Integrity in Worship' using Job as an example. It was a really good message. I had a sermon prepared but after hearing him preach decided to put it aside and preach the one that I had felt so stirred to write that day. I ministered on loving God or loving the world. The context of the sermon tied in very well with what Timothy was preaching.

The situation here is very different to England. In English churches we have many teachers but not many evangelists. In Kenya there is an abundance of evangelists but few teachers. What I have found is if you preach very directly and with an evangelistic emphasis the people respond very well to that. Also they responded well when I shared one important verse and spoke it in their own language. {Even though I didn't pronounce it very clearly!}. I think the people are beginning to warm to us.

The praise and worship is very vibrant which is another thing I like. Please continue to pray for us as we are only just beginning. The numbers tend to increase night by night as the event spreads by word of mouth so pray that those who are sick will come and be healed and that those who don't know the Lord would come also.

During the day we will be split up and go to various churches that Bishop Abednego has planted out. Despite having written out a umber of sermons I find myself busy making more noted day by day {On the plane, in the departure lounge, even in Dubai airport overlooking a mosque}. God is giving us the words to speak. Continue to pray that God's word would be spoken and that it would bear much fruit in peoples lives.


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