Wednesday, 10 February 2010

last day in Nairobi and heading to Mombasa

Today is the last day in Dandora, Nairobi. We will be traveling to Mombasa early next morning by bus {a nine hour trip}. The money situation has been resolved. It turns out that the emails sent to me were not reaching me. I am very relieved. The meetings are going well and the messages well received. I've not had the chance to go around the churches in Nairobi as expected {except Ngomongu on Sunday} but today should be good as some people from the surrounding churches will be meeting in Dandora today and we will have lunch together before the evening meeting later on. I'm looking forward to meeting some of the people I saw on my travels last time I was here especially the pastor of the church in Joska. The pastor and her church were having a hard time because of local opposition and people were saying a woman shouldn't be preaching or leading a church. I was told by bishop Abednego that now they have completed the work on a bigger stone church building and the church are doing very well. I am very happy about this especially as the last time I was there the sermon I preached turned out to be a very relevant and timely word for them that encouraged them greatly regarding the opposition they were facing. {As I preached I had no idea at that time of what was going on. God has His way of getting a point across, Amen}

Nairobi is maintaining a temperature of around 25 degrees which I really like. {Don't get me wrong. There is much I love about living in England but the weather I left behind is DEFINITELY NOT one of them.} Mombasa is typically 30-35 degrees {way too hot!} and a day later I'll be back in temperatures barely above freezing. Should be interesting to see how I cope with that!

Anyway, do remember the Mombasa stage of the trip in your prayers as well as the minister I will be working with in that area {Ken Opera} who is in charge of the itinerary during that part of the mission. Pray that I will handle the climate O.K [Although some of you are probably thinking 'you lucky so and so! Don't worry, I'll be suffering with the rest of you in 10 days time!} Seriously though, do please pray for Bishop Abednego and his family and they are heading to Mombasa under sad circumstances to attend the funeral.

God bless you all {and stay warm}...regards Steve

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