Sunday, 14 February 2010

Port Reitz church, God's healing power.

Today has been a very good day so far. We had two good services and in our time of prayer a young ladty was immediately healed of stomach pains which was particularly appreciated becuase she was later due to sing for the church.

I also have news on pastor Daniel Safari's father whom we prayed for at hs home on friday. He had been diagnosed with prostate cancer which was described by the doctors as terminal. The morning of our visit the mans wife had been crying because she believed he was about to die. He was very thin and barely able to speak. He was no longer eating and would vomit at the very small of food and he could not even take himself to the toilet. Today I am told that after we left he ate porridge and drank tea and is now going to the toilet by himself. His voice has also improved. Please keep praying because something very significant is happening.

I am hoping we get the chance to visit pastor Rose and her son again to pray and see what God has done/will do.

I now have the itinerary for the rest of the week. Tonight we will be meeting at the home of a local pastor which doubles at his church for a time of fellowship and the opportunity to pray for local people. He is very popular and well known localy and I'm told many people have heard about tonight and are coming.

Here is the itnierary for the rest of the week in the Mombasa area.

15th February / Monday : Exodus church in Kanamai {2:00pm to 5:00pm - Alos perhaps the chance of evangelism and outreach in the area which is 25km from where we are based now.}

16th / Tuesday : Salem church {based localy 4:00pm to 6:30pm}

17th / Wednesday : Exodus church in Port Reitz {4:00pm to 6:30pm}

18th / Thursday : Evangelism and outreach at Akamba Handicrafts Industry in Chagamwe {2:00pm to 5:00pm - Don't ask me where that is. All I know is that there are people there and we are sharing the gospel which is good enough for me! Amen!}

Keep praying. I am believing God that the latter end of this mission will be even greater than the former.

God bless you...Steve

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