Saturday 21 September 2013

The word of our testimony transforms lives

I want to share this special testimony because it shows what God can do. On Friday we had an addition to our plans when we visited a Roman Catholic school. They have 1,000 children and only 14 teachers and so far 9 of the staff have become born again. I had the chance to address and full room of around 200 children and most of the staff. One man appeared rather uncomfortable with it all and was walking in and out. I decided to share part of mt testimony and weave the gospel into it so people could see the way of salvation in a real life context. I told them how I got involved in crime and gangs and had many enemies and my life was dominated by hate and how after a sudden conversion Jesus miraculously changed many things. There was one older boy sitting at the front whom I noticed because he had a large injury to the front of his head which had been smeared with a coloured antiseptic cream......I shared the account of how several months after I was saved an old friend saw me. He was well known for stealing motorbikes and he rode up to me and stopped and said hello. We talked for a while and he told me that everyone was saying that I had become a religious nut and joined a church but that he stood up for me and said Steve would never do that. {I used to ridicule religious people.} I had to tell him I had got saved and was going to church and it took him a while to realise I wasn't pulling his leg. He went quiet for a while then said "In your case perhaps it is a good thing because everybody was saying if Steve carried on the way he is going he will either be dead or in prison for the rest of his life" Those words stayed with me because I saw just what a fate God had saved me from. I also spoke of the many people I hated and how I drew up a revenge list but it was nothing to hand it to God once I was saved. After all Jesus did to save me it put every wrong done to me in perspective........Now I have never met that bot sitting at the front nor did I know anything about him but the next day I was told that he was a terror to the school. They didn't know what to do with him. He was violent and always starting fights with people. throwing stones at people and filled with hate and anger {just like I was}. The previous day he had thrown stones at one of the teachers. This guy was uncontrollable and then he went and stole a motorbike before crashing it and injuring himself {Thus the mark on his head}. He ran away and even his guardians didn't know where he was. Then for some inexplicable reason he just walks into the school just as the children were gathering for our meeting. The thing that struck me was the accuracy of the testimony. Here is this boy hearing about a guy on a stolen bike the day after he stole a bike. He is listening to a testimony of bring freed from rage and vengeance which fitted his life perfectly.....What then transpired was remarkable. After hearing how Jesus had so radically transformed my life and forgives in a moment he went from that meeting and approached every boy he had fought with and apologised and asked their forgiveness. He then went to the teachers also including the one he had stoned and did the same. The teachers were shocked and amazed. They had tried everything with this boy and failed. He just seemed to get worse and worse yet one divinely placed and inspired testimony touched right where he was and he was changed. I have so many testimonies of over the years asking God to give me the right part of my testimony to share and it hitting the mark in an uncanny way time and again. I want to encourage everyone reading this to pray and ask God to inspire them to share what Jesus has done for you and ask him to give you the right thing to say to the right person. The word of your testimony is powerful. Revelation 12/11 says they overcame him {the devil} by the word of their testimony. Jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. Our God is an awesome God...Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's an amazing story Steve. Praise God that he places people exactly where he wants them. It is so right that you are addressing the children both at this school and at the previous meeting to show they are a valued part of God's kingdom and to build the church for the future. God bless you and thank you for encouraging us.
Louise and Lennox Thomson