Tuesday 3 September 2013


Bwana Asifiwe! {praise the Lord!}........Firstly thankyou to Jason and Adrian for leaving messages. It is very encouraging to know that people are following events and praying. WE have had a very good start but are trying to sort out visa problems for South Sudan which means a delay for up to a few days. Nevertheless I intend to be in Juba on Friday or Saturday where we will have an initial service with the church before a day to day open air series of evangelistic meetings from the 9th to the 13th.....There seems to be an ever increasing list of problems to deal with but also an ever increasing sense of God's blessing and favour. WE had a very good meeting last night despite the power failures and many answered the call for prayer and were encouraged to stand for God knowing that he has shed his blood for them. {Adrian and Melissa will recall the sermon on 'the blood'}.....The plan for Bungoma has been altered as well. Pretty much the same things but another way around. I will give details of that later on......Pray that all things will work out and that God would continue to move in saving and healing power. ....Mungu akubariki sana {God bless you}


Adrian_Singh said...

We are praying here that you'll get the visa for Juba without too much delay so you'll not lose valuable time for ministry there. Also that the extra time you spend in Nairobi is fruitful for God given the stirring that has already begun there. You are bringing much honour to God, take care of yourself brother.
Adrian & Melissa

Anonymous said...

God bless you Steve. We will be praying for you at Life Group tonight.

John & Marion

Unknown said...

Will continue to pray that your visa will be sorted quickly Steve. Hope all is well. Every blessing in Jesus' name, Amen x