Thursday, 28 January 2010


Things in Kisumu are going very well. The church is small but now they have their own building and the pastor meets with all the other ministers in the immediate area regularly for prayer and they are working together to see their part of town transformed by the gospel. The meetings are going very well and there have been no issues , no violence or problems as yet.
The church are making sure I work hard which is good because I want to make the most of my time here. After the wednesday evening meeting they asked me to preach twice this morning in back to back services as well as the evening meeting. It will be the same again on friday.
I had the chance to meet one of the ministers who lead the joint pastors group and had a very good conversation with him. It would be great to be involved in a joint evangelistic venture here when I return to Kisumu. He would like me to be involved in that. Pray that this would out in God's will and that the unity biuld between the ministries here would continue to develop and bear much fruit. {They already do more than meet occassionally and pray}
Friday evening will be a time of prayer for anything people ask for and especially healing so I wouls greatly appreciate your prayers in support of that.

It seems a very long time since I was in England. So much has happened. Saturday will be my rest day and I will gly back to the capital in the evening to begin the two weeks of ministry there.

God bless you...Steve.

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