Friday, 22 January 2010

Thursday - Christian Fellowship Evangelistic ministries {BUKEMPE}

We had a fantastic day in the Bukempe church on the outskirts of Bungoma. We saw another person recieve healing and after yesterday I decided to respond more definitely when God was prompting me. I preached on Christ depicted as a bridegroom and touched on the issue of how the relationship between a husband and wife was a picture of Christ and the church. {It certainly got people asking questions!}. Today we went over dirt tracks, fields and grass lanes for the best part of 20 minutes to get to a church in the middle of nowhere. It is called Arise and Shine Ministries and people walk for up to 2 hours just to get to the church. They have only been around for 4 years and already have two churches planted out along with a cell group almost ready to launch as well. It was a minor miracle we got there at all as we drove through a torrential downpour and the dirt track was in places a river of water. The service was great though and again God is giving me the right words to say at the right time. Arise and shine ministries have a great vision of evangelism, discipleship and church planting and have developed a large and competent ministry team. Today was my last day of ministry in this region before traveling to Eldoret tomorrow. The friendships and meetings here are something I will never forget.

Sunday will be the first day of ministry with pastor Joseph Karanja and the Gospel Fire church in Eldoret and we will be there Monday and Tuesday before traveling to Kisumu on Wednesday to begin a three day crusade there starting on the day we arrive.

Please pray for...
The churches already visited, that the meetings will bear permanent good results and changed lives.
For the relationships and ties already developed, that they will be the start of a long term fruitful ministry partnership.
For traveling mercies on the journey to Eldoret.
For great favour, fruitfulness and miracles in the Eldoret mission.

ps : Certain conversations have confirmed what has been on my heart concerning Kenya for a long time. I intend to be much more heavily involved in the work over here in the future. This is not a spur of the moment thing but I would appreciate prayer regarding the fulfilling of God's purpose in my life with regards to Kenya. This is something I've been mulling over for the last 18 months and fits in with what I have believed for the last few years what God wants me to do.

God bless you...Steve

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