Sunday, 31 January 2010

Nairobi gospel fire

i hope you'll forgive this all being in lower case. {not every key on this keyboard actually works}

i am now in nairobi with gospel fire ministries and my accomodation is sorted out for the next two weeks. i also recieved some very good news today. the last time i was here some 18 months ago i prayed for a woman who had been married for 2 years but as yet had no children. some of the local people had begun to ridicule her and point at her because of this and she was desperate for a child. today i came to the church and she gave her testimony before the church while holding two babies which were both concieved within weeks of being prayed for.

the first days service has gone well so far but i'd like people to pray for certain people i prayed for back in kisumu. one was a woman who has suffered from an illness that has left her with stomach and head pains for the last month. the pain in her stomach went immediately after recieving prayer. pray that the healing would be complete. another woman prayed for god to bless her with a child as she has been unable to concieve as of yet. {i figure this is worth praying for given recent results!} the kisumu church are much encouraged by the series of meetings and now we will be holding meetings each afternoon with 'gospel fire' in nairobi and what are called revival services each evening.

there is a man in the nairobi church called francis. he is worried about his brother in mombasa who has gone off the rails and not contacted his family for 5 years now. he got married then split up leaving 2 kids and now has married again. things seem to be confused in his life and he is even quite distant to his brother when they speak on the phone.francis is hoping god does something to turn this guys life around.

also pray for me regarding spiritual preparation. i need to find adequate time to pray and prepare which will continue to make a big difference.

god bless you all....steve

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