Saturday, 12 July 2008

1st day in Eldoret

Today we visited several members of the Gospel Fire church in Eldoret to pray for them including a woman who is having marital problems. Her husband is not a christian and he has a drink problem. Pray for a turnaround in her situation.

The service today stared very badly. We had no power and the heavy rains kept most of the people away and we had to cancel our afternoon street crusade. We started the evening service with a total of five of us in the building! Soon things picked up though and others came making a total of thirteen.The sermon was well received and most of the people came forward for prayer. Some with regard to what was preached {'overcoming fear'}. I didn't realise this until shortly before the service but the dirt street where this church is situated {it's actually a main road} was a focal point of the violence a few months ago. Dozens of bodies lay strewn along the road as gangs attacked anyone they could. Again it seems like this was a word in season.

The church was greatly affected as the congregation were almost all from the Kikuyu tribe. Many of them fled the area leaving very few members of the congregation left. Despite this however the church has grown significantly in the last few months with between 50 and100 coming to a sunday service. On one occasion 20 new people came into the church in one morning!

Last night we prayed with people with issues related to fear and one woman was healed of a stomach complaint which kept her in pain. {the pain disappeared immediately}. Another woman came forward for prayer because she was worried about doing things in the church and whether God would accept her. I had hardly started talking to her and tears came down her face. By the end her face had changed into a look of joy. This is the kind of thing that encourages me as well. Despite a slow start it would seem that the same God who met with us in Nairobi is here with us in Eldoret too.

Please pray for the saturday and sunday meetings, for good dry weather and for God to touch the hearts of the congregation and for myself also that God would give me the right words to say.


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