Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Rough ride to Kisumu

On monday {yesterday} we travelled to the city of Kisumu in a 'motutu' which is a small minibus. We went over very rough roads and potholes for the best part of four hours along with intermittant thunderstorms and flooded roads. When we finally got there I was taken to a piece of land in the middle of a village where a stage was erected and a song service was already underway. The sermon I had prepared was not really appropriate for an open air meeting so I preached an old sermon I've never written down but was formed in the back of my mind. I call it 'the wedding garment' and it's based on the story told by Jesus of the wedding feast where a man was found without a wedding garment and the main point being that it is only by the blood of Jesus that we have access to heaven and our own righteousness {our own garments} won't be accepted.

We concluded in the dark {We did have one lightbulb lighting up the stage} and I gave a call for any who had needs to come forward for prayer. About eight came forward and two gave their lives to Jesus. Two more people were healed. Another man came forward saying he wanted to be a preacher but he wasn't even saved!

Kisumu is a city where much of the so called christian testimony is compromised by cults and the occult. It is a city traditionally known for it's rioting, looting and violence though it has been very calm while we have been here. We managed to find a half decent hotel at the last minute without being ripped off by the price {It even has hot water!} so God has helped us and answered our prayers yet again. The children either keep shouting out 'musungo' {white man} or 'Rooney' {I'm told I look like the England footballer though I insist that because I was born before him he looks like me! LOL}

The next two days we will go door to door visiting members of the church and praying for needs and each evening we will have another open air event with a main seminar on the final afternoon. I very much appreciate your prayer support. This area has some resistance to the gospel so prayer is even more important here.

God bless you...Steve

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