Tuesday, 15 July 2008

God's favour in Kisumu.

Last night we saw two decisions for Christ and two healings after prayer. This morning we visited some people in the church. One of the main problems here for christians is condemnation and discouragement. It's seems that the oppressive spirit caused by the high level of witchcraft and cult activity here works against the churches {I've seen and heard of the same kind of thing before}. I have a message which I haven't finished yet on overcoming condemnation and discouragement. Pray for the final day where I hope it will help many people.

We saw unusual favour this morning. Sometimes when the church does door to door people are very resistant and are even angry at the very mention of Jesus. Today couldn't be more different. We kept being invited into the homes of non christian neighbours and in two separate homes a person gave their life to Jesus {That's four so far and we haven't even been here 24 hours! There are some other prayer needs I want to share with you.

One woman has a sick child and her husband is showing signs of unfaithfulness. Another woman has been suffering from a stomach illness for the last two weeks. We also prayed with a woman who has been struggling under a sense of discouragement and a couple who are going though the same thing. As I type this it is 3:30 in the afternoon and we were going to start our open air event in a hour and a half but another thunderstorm has started. This morning in prayer however I sensed that God wanted me to understand that he is in control and I was to trust him. Having seen what he has done in this short time I'm very much encouraged to believe so.

God bless you...Steve

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